The Real L.A. Noir – Tomorrow at The Times Festival of Books

Among the events scheduled for this weekend’s Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, you may especially enjoy a panel moderated by Patt Morrison titled “The Real L.A. Noir,” featuring reporters Andrew Blankstein and Richard Winton — and me.

The panel is 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Saturday in Los Angeles Times Booth 60. Hope to see you there – and bring your questions!

Photo: A headline from the Mirror about the Charles Starkweather case. You would NEVER see a headline like this in The Times. Ever. I used to have this over my desk and the folks shooting “The Soloist” liked it so much that they plastered it all over the newsroom. 

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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1 Response to The Real L.A. Noir – Tomorrow at The Times Festival of Books

  1. Alma says:

    That’s what I love about these old newspapers; their bold attention-grabbing headlines. You’re right, the Times(or the Daily News)would never run a headline like this, but if the Herald-Examiner were still around, they might! Even to the end, the Her-Ex had some of the BEST attention-grabbing headlines.


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