Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated +)

Dec. 4, 2012, Mystery Photo
Here are three mystery chaps in a mystery film.

Dec. 4, 2012, Mystery Photo

Here they are, a bit closer.

Dec. 6, 2012, Mystery Photo

And two more mystery (not) gents for Thursday….

Dec. 7, 2012, Mystery Photo

And a final (not) mystery guest with a mystery companion…..

Thursday’s “mystery” folks and the film were identified by Mary Mallory, Herb Nichols, Pamela Brinson Porter, Dewey Webb, Roget-L.A., Gregory Moore, Candy C., L.C. and Benito.


Yes, this is “How to Stuff a Wild Bikini,” a 1965 American International Pictures movie. Above, a screen grab from the claymation titles.

Earl Bobert and Bartstar join the party and Dewey Webb identifies Bobbi Shaw… Hey surf’s up!

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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18 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated +)

  1. aryedirect says:

    Sure looks like a mature Hugh Herbert on the far right. Somehow he doesn’t seem right in anything but black & white. Don’t know the film, or the others. And the film seems to be from a decade after Herbert’s death. Hmmmmmm…


  2. Gary Martin says:

    This will take time …the hats suggest a British film …the man on the right could be Michael Horndern …of, dear…


  3. Cold In PHX says:

    I know it’s someone else, but the guy in the middle looks like Leo Durocher.


  4. dewey webb says:

    Since no one else seems to have a clue either, guy on left is Ish Kabibble Jr.


  5. Obviously, there was a 3-for-1 suit sale at Zachary All.


  6. Mary Mallory says:

    Okay, it’s HOW TO STUFF A WILD BIKINI and today is Mickey Rooney and Brian Donlevy, will work on the others.


  7. Mary Mallory says:

    Are the three John Macchia, Jerry Brutsche, and Bob Harvey as the Rat Pack?


  8. Brian Donlevy as B.D. “Big Deal” McPherson
    Mickey Rooney as Peachy Keane
    Sig Frolich & company as the “ad men”

    All in “How To Stuff A Wild Bikini


  9. dewey webb says:

    The Mick and Brian Donlevy in How To Stuff A Wild Wahine


  10. Rogét-L.A. says:

    1) Three unidentifiable ad men from “How to Stuff a Wild Bikini” (1965); 2) Mickey Rooney and Brian Donlevy from the same film.


  11. Gregory Moore says:

    Well, the movie’s “How to Stuff a Wild Bikini”. Photo #2 shows Mickey Rooney as “Peachy Keane” and Brian Donlevy. First pic is tougher….don’t know a single one of them!


  12. CandyC says:

    Second day picture are Mickey Rooney and Brian Donlevy


  13. LC says:

    Well, since we have Mickey Rooney and Brian Donlevy I’m guessing it’s How To Stuff A Wild Bikini.


  14. Benito says:

    Mickey and Brian are the tip off. The movie is How To Stuff A Wild Bikini [1965], so the ad men must be 3 of the following: Sig Frohlich, Tom Quine, Hollis Morrison, Guy Hemric, George Boyce, and Charlie Reed.


  15. Earl Boebert says:

    Well, the second picture is Mickey Rooney and Brian Donlevy in “How to Stuff a Wild Bikini.” So the gents in the first one would be three from this list: Sig Frohlich, Hollis Morrison, Tom Quine, Guy Hemric, George Boyce and/or Charlie Reed. Come on, six out three ain’t bad 🙂


  16. dewey webb says:

    Bobbi Shaw


  17. Bartstar says:

    Not only that, but Mickey and Buster too, an All Star Cast!


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