Angelina and Her Neighbors, Part 2

Mary 1912 1954_crop

Here’s another installment of Eve Golden’s photos from a recent trip to a local cemetery.

Gracia 1900 1922_crop James 1914 1931_crop
Joseph 1910 1929_crop Luciano 1881 1923_crop
Giuseppe 1890 1924_crop Luisa_crop

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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3 Responses to Angelina and Her Neighbors, Part 2

  1. Eve says:

    Luisa’s gravestone was so weathered I could not read her dates–but doesn’t she look like someone from a Dutch painting by Vermeer or Hals?


  2. Mary Mallory says:

    Did you just take people of young folks, or is that most of the people buried in the cemetery died young? It appears that the oldest person in the two set of photographs was 58 when he died, which is still young, but most of these people were 32 and younger when they died.


  3. keith greene says:

    Sometime in the mid-1960’s’s, after my grandfather had died, we visited his grave site in a Catholic cemetery outside of New Haven, CT. While there, I noticed many of the headstones had small round discs on them held in place by one pin. The visitor could swing these to one side and see a small photograph of the interned. At the age of 12, I thought this was just gruesome! Now, like Eve, these small portraits fascinate me. I’ve only seen them in one other cemetery, also Catholic. All of the photographs, if memory serves, dated from ca. 1860 to ca1945. This is a fascinating practice that needs some serious study.


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