Now Hiring: Douglas Aircraft of Santa Monica

June 12, 1942, Comics
June 12, 1942, Help Wanted

June 12, 1942: The Douglas plant in Santa Monica is hiring men – and women!

Betty Rowland, the Ball of Fire, is at the Follies Theatre.

Lionel Atwill refuses to testify before the Los Angeles County Grand Jury about charges made in 1941 that a 16-year-old girl was “mistreated” (one of those code words newspapers used when they were squeamish about the details) during a “wild party” (more code words). Atwill claimed that the charges were a shakedown, and the previous grand jury had closed the case after finding a “lack of competent testimony.”

Truck driver Sam Shapiro, 32, is being tried on charges of walking up to Irving Stone, 38, in a pool hall at 2455 Brooklyn Ave., and slitting his throat with a butcher knife borrowed from a nearby restaurant.

Shapiro said he killed Stone because the married man had been involved with his sister, then jilted her, “suggesting that she operate a house of ill-repute,” The Times said in a masterpiece of laundering language for the daily paper.

Coming attractions: Tomorrow at the 4Star —  “Suicide Squadron” and the “Warsaw Concerto!

June 12, 1942, Lionel Atwill

June 12, 1942. Suicide Squadron

June 12, 1942, Stabbing

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
This entry was posted in 1941, 1942, Art & Artists, Aviation, Comics, Crime and Courts, Film, Hollywood, Theaters, Transportation and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Now Hiring: Douglas Aircraft of Santa Monica

  1. I love this. I will have to go back and look at Dad’s letters. It’s a long story, which you can find on my blog, That brought my grandfather to Pasadena, California. He lost his farm in Kansas and see’s an add in the paper they were hiring welders. The moved from Kansas to Pasadena about that time frame it was good to see the top add. Interesting site.


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