Movieland Mystery Photo [Updated]

Mystery Photo

This will be too easy, but after Geene Courtney, I thought I should pick something everybody will recognize.

Yes, everyone recognized this as Janet Gaynor’s feet in “A Star Is Born.” Ed was first, followed by Michael Ryerson, Mary Mallory, Jenny M, Julie Merholz, Gary Martin, Benito, Dewey Webb, Craig Deco, Eve, Cindy Walters, L.C., Jo Anne, Rance Ryan, Herb Nicholas, Pat in Michigan, Karen, Barbara Klein, Roget-L.A., Norman Desmond and Don Danard. Bill Krieger wins for most original answer.

There are some fun location shots in the film. Here are a few:

'A Star Is Born'


Filming at a pool….

'A Star Is Born'

Why it’s the Greyhound station in Hollywood, 1629 N. Cahuenga….


1629 N. Cahuenga via Google’s Street View.

'A Star Is Born'

A reverse angle of Janet Gaynor in the forecourt of Grauman’s Chinese Theatre shows the Roosevelt Drug Co., 6936 Hollywood Blvd.

Hollywood and Orange
Look! It’s the Cinegrill!

'A Star Is Born'
Fredric March deals with paparazzi at the Hollywood Bowl.

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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28 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo [Updated]

  1. Ed says:

    Its from the original A Star is Born


  2. Janet Gaynor’s feet in Frederic March’s footprints in the forecourt of Graumann’s Chinese Theater from A Star is Born (1937). I hope.


  3. Mary Mallory says:

    A STAR IS BORN with Janet Gaynor.


  4. Jenny M says:

    The feet of Janet Gaynor in “A Star Is Born (1937).”


  5. juliemerholz says:

    Janet Gaynor’s shod feet Frederic March’s footprints in A Star Is Born.


  6. Gary Martin says:

    Memorable last lines: “This is Mrs. Norman Maine.” Not, however, one of the really great ones.


  7. Benito says:

    A Star Is Born. Those are Norman Maine’s footprints at the Grauman’s Chinese Theater. But is it 1937 or 1954? Judging by the tacky stocking heels, it’s 1937.


  8. dewey webb says:

    Janet Gaynor’s feet


  9. CraigDeco says:

    From the 1937 version of ‘A Star Is Born’…


  10. Eve says:

    Janet’s ankles?


  11. Cindy Walters says:

    Janet Gaynor


  12. LC says:

    You are right, too easy – Janet Gaynor in A Star Is Born.


  13. Jo Anne says:

    Norman Maine, A Star Is Born 1937,Fredrick March and Janet Gaynor.


  14. Wm. Stansel says:

    This is easy. The lady has been traveling & has her suitcase. She is standing in John Wayne’s footprints (Graumann’s Chinese). It is Lucille Ball from her TV show. The concrete is part of the plot & the cement “prop” is not the real John Wayne print. His name was misspelled by Fred.


  15. Rance Ryan says:

    Janet Gaynor


  16. janet gaynor`ankles in a star is born


  17. Pat in Michigan says:

    Janet’s ankles!


  18. kthursby says:

    let’s see… William Powell in drag from the outtake reel of A Star Is Born?


  19. Karen says:

    Janet Gaynor in A Star is Born 1937 version.


  20. Barbara Klein says:

    Janet Gaynor in “A Star is Born”


  21. Rogét-L.A. says:

    Or, are they Janet Gaynor’s ankles, from the 1937 version of “A Star Is Born”?


  22. it was a toss up for me and i tossed wrong. janet gaynor.


  23. Roger in CT says:

    Myrna Loy in the original “A Star is Born.”


  24. Julie House says:

    And the winner is…?


  25. Don Danard says:

    Wouldn’t this be Janet Gaynor in the original “A Star is Born”? Sure looks like it.


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