William Desmond Taylor Shot!

Feb. 3, 1922, William Desmond Taylor

Mary Mallory points out that this is the 90th anniversary of William Desmond Taylor’s death. I did several posts when the Daily Mirror was at The Times:

William Desmond Taylor, Mystery Guest | Crime scene photos

Feb. 3, 1922, William Desmond Taylor

Feb. 3, 1922, William Desmond Taylor

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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7 Responses to William Desmond Taylor Shot!

  1. Mary Mallory says:

    Just going back and looking at the photos of the apartment, I think that might be D. W. Griffith in the photo of the man wearing a white hat and smoking a cigar.

    That mysterious letter and then all the description of this man asking for directions and then seeming to appear all along the way to Taylor’s apartment seem very interesting, particularly when you go back and see that there are cruncked out cigarettes in the fancy holder on the desk in the room. Could the man have confronted Taylor over something?


  2. Earl Boebert says:

    Google on “Taylorology” for more than you wanted to know.




  3. Eve says:

    Where was George Hodel when Taylor was shot . . . ?


  4. Bartstar says:

    Approximately 15 years ago I was into “Taylorology”.
    It’s a fascinating sub-culture that is still trying to find out what happened that night.

    It’s a real cast of characters, or should I say, “A Cast of Killers”


  5. Benito says:

    Your opinion of Hollywood Babylon’s chapter about this murder mystery is…? The scandal allegedly ended MMM’s silent film career as a demure ingenue.


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