Movieland Mystery Photo [Updated]

Los Angeles Times file photo
[Update: Elisabeth Bergner: The German star, seen previously here as “Catherine the Great,” displays her versatile genius in “Escape Me Never,” at the Four Star, her art being hailed as more exquisite on the screen, even, than in the stage play, in which she appeared recently in New York, in a photo stamped June 16, 1935.[Update: Please congratulate Dewey Webb, Eve Golden, Steve Stoliar, Steven Bibb, Anne Papineau, Mike Hawks, Gregory Moore, Jenny M and Mary Mallory for identifying our mystery guest!]Here’s our mystery gal!

There’s a new photo on the jump!

Los Angeles Times file photo

[Update: The peasantry still flourishes! Elisabeth Bergner continues at the Four Star in the film version of the stage play “Escape Me Never,” in a photo stamped June 30, 1935. ]

Los Angeles Times file photo

And here she is for Tuesday!

[Update 3: BOSTON — The time-honored procedure of makeup of the minstrel was reversed recently by Negro actor Canada Lee who made up in “whiteface” for his part as Daniel De Bosola in the revived Elizabethan drama “The Duchess of Malfi.” Here, backstage at Boston’s Shubert Theater, Canada Lee, made up in “whiteface” has his new face inspected by Elisabeth Bergner, female lead in the play, Sept. 30, 1946.]

[Update 2: Please congratulate Dewey Webb, Lynne Levine and Lee Thom and Megan for identifying Wednesday’s mystery companion and Claire Lockhart for identifying our mystery lady. ]

[Update: Please congratulate Pamela Porter for identifying our mystery guest and her mystery companion!]

For Wednesday, our mystery guest has a mystery companion!

And here’s a closer look.

[Update: Elisabeth Bergner is scoring personal hit in “Two Mrs. Carrolls,” now at the Biltmore Theater, in a photo published Jan. 28, 1946. ]

And for Thursday, stripes!  How about those shoulders?

[Update 2: Please congratulate Mary Mallory, Mike Hawks, Rick Scott and Dewey Webb  for identifying our mystery lady and one of her mystery companions.  Please congratulate Julie Merholz, Benito, Lynne Levin, Arye Michael Bender, Rick and Randy Skretvedt for identifying one of the mystery men. And congratulate Norma Desmond for identifying our mystery gal! ]

[Update: Elisabeth Bergner (center) receives the Drama League’s Delia Austrian Medal for distinguished performance in “The Two Ms. Carrolls,” presented by the show’s producer Reginald Denham (right), on behalf of the league. Victor Jory, male lead of the play, looks on (left). The award was made at the annual spring luncheon of the Drama League of New York at the Hotel Pierre, New York, May 9, 1944.]

And for Friday, our mystery gal has two mystery companions!

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
This entry was posted in Film, Hollywood, Mystery Photo, Photography. Bookmark the permalink.

52 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo [Updated]

  1. Dewey Webb says:

    Elisabeth Bergner


  2. Eve says:

    Das ist Elisabeth Bergner?


  3. Steve Stoliar says:

    Elisabeth Bergner?


  4. Steven Bibb says:

    Elisabeth Bergner


  5. Anne Papineau says:

    Elizabeth Bergner?


  6. MIKE HAWKS says:

    The lady is Elizabeth Bergner.


  7. Mary Mallory says:

    Lilian Harvey? We have nothing on Ann Ainslee.


  8. Claire Lockhart says:

    Jany Holt.


  9. Anne Papineau says:

    Actually, Elisabeth Bergner, I meant to write.


  10. Gregory Moore says:

    Elizabeth Bergner?


  11. Mary Mallory says:

    Greta Nissen.


  12. Jenny M says:

    Elisabeth Bergner


  13. Mary Mallory says:

    Elizabeth Bergner.


  14. gary martin says:

    Regarding White Cargo: I remember an oft quoted review from many years ago in which the critic stated that while playing Tondeleyo in White Cargo, Talullah Bankhead barged down the Nile and sank.


  15. gary martin says:

    Sorry, I confused my stories …a sign of old age I am sure …It was Bankhead as Cleopatra who sank. During White Cargo the actress playing Tondeleyo said: Me Tondeleyo, me go to such and such. To which reviewer Robert Benchley shouted out: “Me Benchley, me go home”.


  16. fibber mcgee says:

    We don’t know how a shot (pardon the pun) from “Patty Hearst” got in here, but it sure looks like the Chicago Typewriter (machine gun) and hat from “Patty Hearst” starring Natasha Richardson, whom I adored as an actress. Happened to peruse VaVaVoom Traci Lords’ book “Underneth It All” where she talks about making a movie with the real, not reel, Patty Hearst. They got along fine. “I didn’t ask her about robbing banks and she didn’t ask me about making porno films,” she said. Walter Cronkhite’s daughter Kathy played Hearst in another flick, as I recall.


  17. Gerald McCann says:

    Marlene Dietrich


  18. Arye Michael Bender says:

    Marlena Dietrich as played by Bernadette Peters in an imaginary casting? (Probably not)


  19. hockeykevin says:

    Olga Baclanova?


  20. Cynthia K. says:

    Geraldine Page.


  21. Randy Skretvedt says:

    She looks like a European actress imported to Hollywood, like Anna Sten or Franciska Gaal, but I don’t think she’s either one….


  22. Sandy says:

    Marlena Dietrich


  23. Randy Skretvedt says:

    My friend John Aldrich in Phoenix says it’s definitely Greta Nissen.


  24. Dewey Webb says:

    Don’t know who guy is but looks amazingly like Godfrey Cambridge in Watermelon Man


  25. Pamela Porter says:

    Dewey’s on point; the gentleman in the photo is definitely in “whiteface” (see his hand that is visible in the wider shot).
    I still have no clue, but this adds a deeper element of mystery!


  26. Pamela Porter says:

    The lady is Elisabeth Bergner.
    The gentleman in whiteface is actor Canada Lee (playing Daniel de Bosola), who appeared on Broadway with Miss Bergner in “The Duchess of Malfi” in 1946.


  27. Dewey Webb says:

    Canada Lee!


  28. fibber mcgee says:

    Molly says woulda stop running those darn pictures? We thought we knew who she was but couldn’t remember the name after the first picture. The more photos you run, the less we can figure out who it is. What a revolting development this is.


  29. Lynne Levine says:

    Is it Signe Hasso?


  30. Lynne Levine says:

    The gentleman may be Canada Lee.


  31. margie says:

    tallulah bankhead


  32. Lee Ann, Thom, and Megan says:

    Elisabeth Bergner and Canada Lee in The Duchess of Malfi.


  33. Diane Ely says:

    Marlena Dietrich’s stand-in?


  34. Claire Lockhart says:

    Shame on me! It’s Elisabeth Bergner!


  35. Mary mallory says:

    Victor Jory with Miss EB.


  36. Mary mallory says:

    Is today’s photo during the stage production of THE TWO MRS. CARROLLS? Wednesday’s photo is from THE DUCHESS OF MALFI with Canada Lee. Did you know that W. H. Auden adapted it, and Benjamin Britten did the incidental music for the show?


  37. Julie Merholz says:

    Victor Jory on the left. I still haven’t figured out the mystery woman.


  38. benito says:

    The mystery gent at left is Victor Jory. Is she his wife Jean Inness?


  39. Lynne Levine says:

    That’s Victor Jory on the left.


  40. Lynne Levine says:

    George Stevens on the right?


  41. MIKE HAWKS says:

    Victor Jory is the man on the left.


  42. Arye Michael Bender says:

    Victor Jory on the left. Mr. Jory and Westbrook von Voorhis shared the same voice as “Time Marches On…”


  43. rick says:

    That’s Victor Jory – is this his wife Jean Inness


  44. Randy Skretvedt says:

    Looks like Victor Jory on the left in Friday’s picture.


  45. Rick Scott says:

    took me until the last minute….Elisabeth Bergner with Victor Jory on the left. Figuring I’m at least 2/3 right how about Max Reinhart on the right since Jory was doing “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” around that time.


  46. Dewey Webb says:

    Victor Jory


  47. fibber mcgee says:

    I hope Larry knows Molly was kidding when she asked if he could stop running those mystery photos. A million zillion dedicated readers would be most unhppy if something happened to our very favorite blog. But you know that.


  48. normadesmond says:

    now that i see the shot of her in the stripes, i know it’s elisabeth b.


  49. Arthur Marx says:

    I just read some disturbing news …
    Jon Weisman, who writes for Variety and also owns the “Dodger Thoughts” blog, is reporting that the “Daily Mirror” is about to go away.
    In my not-so-humble opinion, this would be a terrible move by the Times-Throwaway.
    I hope we readers – all two dozen of us – can persuade the publisher to have a change of heart.


  50. Eddy Evans says:

    Thanks for years of being part of my morning routine. While I didn’t guess many right, the Mystery Photo certainly helped make watching movies on TCM almost interactive with the addition of the historical perspective you so often provided. The Thelma Todd, William Desmond Taylor and Lucille Ball articles were wonderful. The Daily Mirror brought us history as news and we were there as it happened–what an exciting way to learn about the past, (reasonably) unvarnished and immediate and unedited.
    I’m sure there’s a bunch of us out there who feel the same way, so please let us know what we can do to help.
    Take care, thank you so much, and best wishes
    Eddy Evans


  51. Carol Gwenn says:

    I am absolutely heartbroken! DAILY MIRROR has been a daily addiction over the past few years. I learned so much about L.A. history & was reminded of so many great stories I’d read in the DM as a kid. You all have done an AMAZING job of researching & presenting, painting wonderfully vivid pictures of life in LA.
    Sorry I never got to one of your friends of the DM lunches to meet you all in person & give a face-to-face thank you…but thank you all the same.


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