Matt Weinstock, Feb. 24, 1961


  Feb. 24, 1961, Comics  

Feb. 24, 1961: Crazy times on the back lot at MGM: As one crew was shooting a scene for "Gunslinger," a Confederate cavalry charge from "The Americans" came thundering through the scene (evidently the riders had trouble stopping their horses). As the bandits and the Confederates were regrouping, a helicopter being used in a third production rose in the background, Matt Weinstock says.

DEAR ABBY: Twenty years ago I went to live with a man as his wife without marrying him. We had three children. When our youngest reached his 18th birthday (last week) this man told me he was selling our home and everything in it, as he plans to take off and find himself a "wife" and live a little.

I asked him when he was giving me my half of the money. He said "Since when does a man give his housekeeper half his money?" As his common-law wife am I not entitled to half his money? I haven't a dime to call my own and have never worked outside my home. What are my rights? I don't want to go to a lawyer as I have my pride.


  Feb. 24, 1961, Weinstock  

  Feb. 24, 1961, Abby  

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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