Movieland Mystery Photo [Updated]

  Dec. 31, 2010, Mystery Photo  
  Los Angeles Times file photo  

[Update: ROYAL DENIALS …. Prince Mikhail Ouratieff and his wife, Grand Duchess Tatiana Petrovna, don the garb of butler and maid and prepare to wait on the banker and his wife ….. a scene from Warner Bros. "Tonight's Our Night," the screen version of "Tovarich," in which Claudette Colbert and Charles Boyer are starred. Anatole Litvak is directing. In this scene, a crane shot, Mikhail and Tatiana are on their way upstairs with the master's dress tie and the mistress' gown. Behind them, but not in the picture, is the Pekingese dog, for which they have been looking, and the master's shoe, which they are also seeking. The dog and the shoe are together. ]

Here’s our mystery camera crew…


  Dec. 31, 2010, Mystery Photo  

… our mystery boom man …

  Dec. 31, 2010, Mystery Photo  

… and our (not) mystery talent.

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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10 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo [Updated]

  1. Mary mallory says:

    Charles Boyer and Claudette Colbert in TOVARICH.


  2. Pat in Michigan says:

    Claudette Colbert and Charles Boyer in ‘Tovarich’. Colbert is being filmed from the left, which must explain the grimace on her face.


  3. Dewey Webb says:

    Boyer & Colbert in Tovarich? (this seems way too easy–is it a trick?)


  4. Mike Hawks says:

    The film is TOVARICH 1937, the cameraman is Charles Lang, the actors Charles Boyer and Claudette Colbert.


  5. Arye Michael Bender says:

    This 0ne is too easy. The talent, Charles Boyer and Claudette Colbert in the film, ‘Tovarich’. On the crane must be that Litvak, Anatole and Charles Lang manning the pan handle. Don’t know the boom man.
    Easy, but fun nonetheless.


  6. Patricia van Hartesveldt says:

    Claudette Colbert, Charles Boyer. Tovarich.


  7. fibber mcgee says:

    We say it’s director Morrie Pipic directing the film “Practice Makes Perfect” starring George Practice and Loretta Perfect, 1942.


  8. kauma says:

    Tovarich. Boyer and Colbert.


  9. Dolph Thomas on sound?


  10. Anatole Litwack? (Next to the camera man)


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