The Times’ Court Reporter Files a Story in Dialect

June 3, 1910, Krakauer Piano

June 3, 1910: The Times’ court reporter files a story in dialect about two African American women who are charged with fighting. Ouch.

And police arrest newsboys shooting dice behind the offices of Los Angeles Record (1886-1931).

June 3, 1910, Police Briefs

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
This entry was posted in #courts, classical music, Countdown to Watts, LAPD, Music. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to The Times’ Court Reporter Files a Story in Dialect

  1. Eve says:

    Although, on the upside, “Blackberry Blondes” would be a great name for a girl group.


  2. “Cutting Irony” Not PC and in very poor taste – yes…
    However, it was funny as hell, and no one was hurt.


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