Judge Bars Bus Strike; Giants Beat Dodgers

Aug. 29, 1959, Cover

Aug. 29, 1959: A judge's temporary restraining order prevents a bus and streetcar strike.

Aug. 29, 1959, Baskin Robbins

Someone has a Cold War souvenir in the shed. Let's fire it up and see what happens.

Aug. 29, 1959, Siren

Aug. 29, 1959, Editorial Cartoon

The threat of communist aggression casts a shadow over world peace. And Times readers are talking about singing the National Anthem, what it means to get old in America, hating Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev … and looking for a lost dog.

Aug. 29, 1959, Film Boycott

Aug. 29, 1959, Beatniks

Above, more trouble with Beatniks: Mrs. Swan kept a record of "goings-on" in and around the Gas House.

It contained such notations as, "Music not so loud tonight … closed at 2 a.m."

But it also told how one beatnik was "kissing and messing around" on the beach in front of the Gas House on July 12. On the same date, the bongo drums began at 10 am. until police stopped the bearded beats at 10 p.m., she testified.

At left, leaders of the National Council of Churches, encouraged by Paramount President Y. Frank Freeman, study whether to begin calling for a boycott of films that emphasize sex and violence.

George A. Heimrich, who initiated the idea, says: "We have no interest in harming the movie industry, but apparently producers feel it's difficult to get good box office and that they need sex and violence. We are well aware of the importance of the motion picture industry and we are as much for good box office as the producers. But we don't feel sex and violence are the best answer."

Aug. 29, 1959, Li'l Abner

One nice thing about ProQuest is that it's possible to enlarge the comics and see the details that aren't visible in the newspaper, especially strips like "Li'l Abner."

Aug. 29, 1959, Synanon

Aug. 29, 1959, Steaks

Above, an expert calls for fluoridation of water to prevent dental cavities. In time, the fluoridation of water came to be viewed — at least by some — as a shadowy communist conspiracy … calling Dr. Strangelove!  

At left, trouble for Synanon. In the 1950s, The Times wrote stories praising the program's success. But by the late 1960s, leader Charles E. Dederich turned the drug treatment program into a cult.


Aug. 29, 1959, Sports

After losing to the Pirates and the Phillies, the Giants beat the Dodgers in a 5-0 shutout.

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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