L.A. Welcomes Astronauts; Plane Buzzes Dodger Stadium

Aug. 13, 1969, Cover

Aug. 13, 1969: Linda Mathews on college students' problems in getting loans, Ken Reich on a salute to the Apollo 11 astronauts, Dial Torgerson on the Tate killings and Lee Dye on the slaying of William Lennon, father of the Lennon Sisters singing group.

Aug. 13, 1969, Dodgers Meet Vin Scully, police reporter.

The Times tried to solve the mystery of a plane that buzzed Dodger
Stadium during a game. Who better to ask than Scully, with his view of
the stadium and its surroundings?

Scully told The Times the plane followed "exactly the same pattern"
as a craft the buzzed the ballpark during a game a month earlier. And
he thought it was the same plane both times, although he couldn't be

Hard to imagine a more credible witness.

— Keith Thursby

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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