Voices — Freddie Hubbard, 1938 – 2008

1968_0811_hubbard Freddie Hubbard tells Leonard Feather: "I’ve worked very hard to get as far as I have. I think the turning point came when I toured in Art Blakey’s Jazz Messengers in the early ’60s. Art spotlighted all his soloists, gave us a chance to talk on the mike, and let us compose for the band. I learned there and then that I wanted to be a leader."
1971_0801_hubbard_01 1971_0801_hubbard_02

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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7 Responses to Voices — Freddie Hubbard, 1938 – 2008

  1. Chelly says:

    I am a jazz vocalist because of Jazz greats like Freddie,I would listen to him and just jell to the music and sometimes scat to it!! He will be very much missed! Detroi,t Mi ~Chelly “K”~


  2. mr kaiser says:

    Freddie Hubbard was always my main man.
    Red Clay was one of my favorite albums.
    He replaced Clifford Brown and later Dizzy.
    Thanks for your gifts.


  3. Robert R Parker Jr says:

    Freddie Hubbard…”The Man”…Shocked and in reverential awe at what this man did with his trumpet and fluglehorn…First Light, Red Clay, Mr. Clean, People Make the World Go Round, the theme from “The Godfather”l,…the list literally goes on and on…Hubbard, “The Man”…will be missed by afficiendos, his collaborators, wayne shorter, herbie hancock, ron carter, billy cobham…Damn! What a momenumental loss….


  4. I never knew Freddie socially, really only shook hands after or before a gig; but I have lost a friend..


  5. Tony says:

    Freddie Hubbard was truly one of the best who ever played the trumpet. It was good for him that the last year of his life was a productive one. From what I read of him in the recent Downbeat & Jazz Times, Freddie wanted to play, till he left this world. He did that despite not being the Freddie of Blue Note or CTI.
    Like the true legends and innovators, Freddie Hubbard will live on in his great body of work. Plus you can not miss his influence on modern musicians like Roy Hargrove and Jeremy Pelt.


  6. Dan McGarigle says:

    I regret the loss of Freddie Hubbard as he was one of the greats.
    Even more I regret that the educational system that helped develop Freddie is fast slipping away from our nation.
    As one of Freddie’s generation I was so fortunate to have teachers who made us drill and practrice, drill and practice, drill and practice, drill and practice and to keep my childs mouth shut. These later generations, in their demands to be “given free reign” and never be corrected are debilitating our nation to death.
    The 60’s were a culturally terrible time for our country and we have not gotten better because of them and all their intellectually floozie 60’s supporters. Now we are reaping the whirlwind of their horrible actions.
    Wall street could never understand art except as a possession.
    Freddie knew it as his life and we are all the richer for his staggering body of work.
    from El Segundo CA,


  7. Fred Kellogg says:

    Freddie Hubbard’s Red Clay was the first American Jazz LP I bought back in 1972. His music has a special place in my heart. His CTI recordings were the high point of his career. Serious listeners should take note of Hubbard’s command of modal jazz on ‘Suite Sioux’ and ‘The Intrepid Fox’, as well as other adventurous tracks he did for CTI,: ‘Straight Life’, ‘Sky Dive’ ‘Spirits of Trane’ and ‘Destiny’s Children’. The brilliance of these are often overlooked because of the commercial appeal of those recordings.


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