History on EBay

Although I don’t often post items from EBay, these are exceptional: Two historic postcards of The Times.

The first shows the presses. Perhaps regular readers at the Olympic Plant can shed some light on the equipment. (Personal note: The Times Building has never smelled the same since they took out the press line. Nothing in the world smells like ink mist).



Postcard No. 2 shows The Times Building on the northeast corner of 1st Street and Broadway. The tower was added when the building was reconstructed after the 1910 bombing by labor radicals. This is why it’s titled "The New Times Building."



Bonus fact: At one time, the newspaper marked the Oct. 1, 1910, anniversary of the bombing with a moment of silence and rites at Hollywood Memorial Park Cemetery, now Hollywood Forever Cemetery.

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About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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