George Hodel: Ask Me Anything, June 2024

Here’s Boxie (formerly Boxy) and I with this month’s “Ask Me Anything” on George Hodel.

In this session, I discussed people who “find hidden messages” in the postcards and letters written to the police and the newspapers in the Black Dahlia case. (Warning: Finding “hidden messages” in the Black Dahlia prank mail is a ticket to Crazytown).

I also discussed an article by R. Marc Kantrowitz on Jean Spangler and possible links to George Hodel. Kantrowitz says Spangler “knew” Elizabeth Short from the Florentine Gardens, claiming that Elizabeth Short worked as a waitress at the Florentine Gardens in 1947. False because Elizabeth Short never worked as a waitress at the Florentine Gardens, also in 1947 she was dead.…
We also talked about:

–What Kelvin Hodel says he “remembers” about his father, George, given that Kelvin was born in 1942 and his parents separated in 1944 and divorced in 1945.
–Whenever a member of the Hodel family says they “remember” something, it should set off hundreds of red flags, whether it’s Steve Hodel, the late Tamar, the late Fauna 1, or Rasha Pecoraro or Yvette Gentile.
–What sort of detective was Steve Hodel during his LAPD career?

–Which is the real Steve Hodel? The one portrayed in a 1980s Herald Examiner profile or the author of the Black Dahlia Avenger franchise?
–Possible motives for the Black Dahlia Avenger claims.
–The Hodel children expecting to be left large inheritances, when the reality is there were so many kids that none of them received as much as they were expecting.
–Steve Hodel’s long-delayed documentary series, which I call “Don’t Hold Your Breath.”
–Has anyone in the Hodel family disputed Steve Hodel’s claims?
–Predicting Steve Hodel’s reaction to my book.
–Claims that Elizabeth Short had cigarette burns on her back (false).
–Steve Hodel finding “HODEL” in paintings and other artworks.

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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