Movieland Mystery Photo [Updated +]

March 13, 2012, Mystery Photo

Here’s a mystery woman from the amazing collection of Steven Bibb!

March 14, 2012, Mystery Photo

March 14, 2012, Mystery Photo
Here’s another photo of our mystery lady.

Please congratulate Megan, Roget-L.A. and Mary Mallory for identifying our mystery gal. And a special congratulations to Benito, who identified her and asked “Again?” Benito, truly, you are a loyal Daily Mirror reader!

These comments are certainly gratifying and show the loyalty of Daily Mirror readers because, yes, this is Patricia Morison and she was a mystery lady in the old version of the blog in October 2010.  Congratulations to Jenny M., Periwinkle, Dewey Webb, Don Danard, Bob Hansen and Rick Scott.

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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25 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo [Updated +]

  1. Is that the lovely Joan Bennett? Or some other lovely?


  2. Eve says:

    Nope, not a clue. Taken ca. 1940-45, though, I will wager. And a very scratchy-looking frock.


  3. Megan says:

    I believe that’s Patricia Morison.


  4. Gary Martin says:

    For day one of the mystery foto contest I will suggest the obvious: Joan Bennett’s sister Barbara Bennett. Of course this will all change on day two.


  5. Pamela Porter says:

    Margaret Lockwood? Probably not, but she’s my Bennett-esque choice.


  6. mary mallory says:

    Jinx Falkenburg?


  7. Chad says:

    I first thought Joan Bennett too, I’m a Fritz Lang fan. (the Walter Pidgeon references brought me here) The chin looks similar to Joan, but the lips look a bit different. Could be the lipstick. Then I thought Deanna Durbin, although not. Her face was more square. Then I thought Hedy Lamarr. This looks like the closest match to me so far, although I am not convinced. Her facial features seem to be the closest to Hedy, but maybe a bit more rounded – although that might just be the effects of different makeup. It looks like Hedy usually had a part line running down the middle of her hair in most of the pics I could find. This pic I can’t tell as it is not a head-on shot. I don’t see it though.


  8. Ed says:

    I would say it is Joan Bennett


  9. Rotter says:

    Renee Godfrey.


  10. Rogét-L.A. says:

    Patricia Morison?


  11. CraigDeco says:

    A good friend’s(former)Scarsdale,N.Y. neighbor- the fabulous Joan Bennett.


  12. mary mallory says:

    Patricia Morrison.


  13. Wm. Stansel says:

    Gail Russell


  14. Rinky Dink says:

    Jean Tierney?


  15. Gregory Moore says:

    Possibly a very young Yvonne deCarlo?


  16. Benito says:

    Patricia Morison again? I’m guessing the forties, anyway.


  17. Jenny M says:

    Patricia Morrison


  18. periwinkle says:

    How about Patricia Morison? It’s the turban.


  19. dewey webb says:

    The return of Patricia Morison


  20. Rogét-L.A. says:

    I was hesitant to guess Patricia Morison because I, too, thought that this was not the first time we had had her as the mystery guest.


  21. Chad says:

    Wow, that was a tough one. And to think how many of us wanted it to be Joan Bennett. 🙂
    P.S. Based on those other two pics, I would have probably guessed it to be Ella Raines (again, due to my interest in Film Noir style movies)


  22. Don Danard says:

    The first picture doesn’t look that much like her, but the other two do; Patricia Morison in her Paramount days.


  23. Bob Hansen says:

    Patricia Morison?


  24. Rick Scott says:

    Patricia Morrison. Missed her last time and kicked myself!!


  25. Gregory Moore says:

    What a beauty she was. And a very timely tribute, too, as next week marks her 97th birthday. She’s apparently still well and has lived at Park LaBrea for the past 50 years.


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