Black Dahlia: Ask Me Anything, June 2024

In the June 2024 Ask Me Anything on the Black Dahlia case, I talk about the books on Elizabeth Short’s murder. I also gave my monthly progress report on the book.

The books I discussed were:

“Newspaperwoman,” by Foster Goss, writing as Aggie Underwood (1949).
“For the Life of Me,” by James Richardson (1954).
“The Badge,” by Jack Webb (1958).
“Reporters,” by Will Fowler (1991).
“Severed,” by John Gilmore (25% mistakes, 50% fiction, 1994).
“Daddy Was the Black Dahlia Killer,” by Michael Newton and Janice Knowlton (1995).
“Childhood Shadows,” by Mary Pacios (1999).
“Black Dahlia Avenger,” by Steve Hodel (2003 with countless later editions, updates, sequels, etc.)
“Black Dahlia Files,” by Donald Wolfe (2005).
“Corroborating Evidence,” by William T. Rasmussen (2005).

Questions were:

–Did the LAPD film the Black Dahlia crime scene?
–Who took the multiple photos at the Black Dahlia crime scene?
–Did Elizabeth Short ever work at the Hollywood Canteen?
–What type of room do you think Elizabeth Short was killed in?
–What type of room do you think she was not killed in?
–Did Cleo Short work at Mare Island?
–Is there any accuracy to “Out of the Shadows: A Hollywood Theater Impresario Emerges from L.A.’s Notorious Black Dahlia Murder Case”?
–Was a hubcap found near Elizabeth Short’s body?
–Will there be any photos of Elizabeth Short in your book?
–Who are the people in the photo of Elizabeth Short’s funeral?
–Were some of the killer’s letters to the police/newspapers lost?
–Are you in touch with Kyle Wood?

Coming up on YouTube: On June 18, at 10 a.m. Pacific time, I’ll do an Ask Me Anything on George Hodel. Can’t make the live session? Email me your questions and I’ll answer them! The video will be posted once the session ends so you can watch it later.

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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