June 26, 1947: ‘White’ or ‘Negro?’ LAPD Holds Sentinel Columnist for Having Two Driver’s Licenses

June 26, 1947, L.A. Sentinel
June 26, 1947: Los Angeles Sentinel columnist Edward Robinson takes a trip to the University Station after LAPD officers discover that he is carrying two driver’s licenses. One identifies him as “white” and the other identifies him as “Negro.”

With all the digging I have done in old Los Angeles newspapers, I have never come across anything like this.

June 26, 1947, L.A. Sentinel

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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2 Responses to June 26, 1947: ‘White’ or ‘Negro?’ LAPD Holds Sentinel Columnist for Having Two Driver’s Licenses

  1. So many questions! How did he get the two licenses, and what specific law does it break to list different races? Maybe he was both.


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