Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

The Mouthpiece
This week’s mystery movie has been the 1932 Warner Bros. film “The Mouthpiece,” by Frank Collins, directed by James Flood and Elliott Nugent. The film features Warren William, Sidney Fox, Aline MacMahon, John Wray, Mae Madison, Ralph Ince, Morgan Wallace, Guy Kibbee, J. Carroll Naish, Walter Walker, Stanley Fields, Murray Kinnell, Noel Francis and William Janney. The screenplay was by Joseph Jackson with adaptation dialogue by Earl Baldwin, photography by Barney McGill, art direction by Esdras Hartley, gowns by Earl Luick, and the Vitaphone Orchestra, conducted by Leo F. Forbstein.

Yes, this is the previous version of last week’s mystery movie, “The Man Who Talked Too Much.”

“The Mouthpiece” is available from Warner Archive in Volume 10 of “Forbidden Hollywood.”

Writing in the New York Times (May 1, 1932), Mordaunt Hall said:

Few screen performances have equaled Warren William’s superb characterization of an artful underworld lawyer in “The Mouthpiece,” a picture now at the Winter Garden. This film is also endowed with extraordinarily fine direction, and whatever may be said against its reprehensible theme and the manner in which it is unfurled, the producers can point to the fact that this blackleg member of the bar eventually pays the penalty for his success in winning acquittals for murderers, thugs and thieves. But it is his one good deed in this narrative that sounds his death knell.

June 18, 2018, Mystery Photo

For Monday, we have a mystery gent.

Update: This is Emerson Treacy.

June 19, 2018, Mystery Photo

For Tuesday, we have an unhappy mystery woman.

Update: This is Helena Phillips Evans.

Brain Trust roll call: Patrick (Monday’s mystery gent) and Mike Hawks (Monday’s mystery gent).

June 20, 2018, Mystery Photo

For Wednesday, we have a mystery woman.

Update: This is Sidney Fox.

Brain Trust roll call: Patrick (mystery movie and Tuesday’s mystery woman), Mike Hawks (mystery movie and Tuesday’s mystery woman) and Mary Mallory (mystery movie and Monday’s and Tuesday’s mystery guests).

June 21, 2018, Mystery Photo

For Thursday, we have a mystery gent.

Update: This is Ralph Ince.

Brain Trust roll call: Mary Mallory (Wednesday’s petite mystery woman), Mike Hawks (Wednesday’s petite mystery woman), Howard Mandelbaum (mystery movie and all mystery guests) and Patrick (Wednesday’s petite mystery woman).

June 22, 2018, Mystery Photo

Friday’s mystery guests warn audiences that crime does not pay!

Update: This is Aline MacMahon and Warren William in the final scene of the film.

Brain Trust roll call: Mary Mallory (Thursday’s mystery mobster), Howard Mandelbaum (Thursday’s mystery mobster), David Inman (Wednesday’s petite mystery guest) and SylviaE (mystery movie and mystery guests).

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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31 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

  1. Gary says:

    Is everyone guessing the young Edward Everett Horton? I know I am.


  2. Patrick says:

    Emerson Treacy on Monday.


  3. MIKE HAWKS says:

    Emerson Treacy.


  4. Patrick says:

    Helena Phillips Evans in The Mouthpiece from 1932.


  5. Mary Mallory says:

    Emerson Treacy Monday.


  6. Mary Mallory says:

    Lucille Ward and DR. SOCRATES.


  7. SylviaE says:

    For Tuesday, I thought she looks a little like Helen Lowell, but I’m still hunting.


  8. MIKE HAWKS says:

    Helena Phillips Evans in THE MOUTHPIECE.


  9. Mary Mallory says:

    THE MOUTHPIECE. Helena Phillips Evans today.


  10. Mary Mallory says:

    Sydney Fox.


  11. MIKE HAWKS says:

    Sidney Fox.


  12. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Monday: Emerson Treacy
    Tuesday: Helena Phillips Evans
    Wednesday: Sidney Fox


  13. Patrick says:

    The ill-fated Sidney Fox on Wednesday.


  14. SylviaE says:

    Tuesday’s 2nd guess – Esther Dale?


  15. Mary Mallory says:

    Ralph Ince, brother to Thomas.


  16. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Ralph Ince.


  17. David Inman says:

    Sidney Fox on Wednesday?


  18. SylviaE says:

    Okay – third try (I think) is the charm.

    The movie is The Mouthpiece 1932
    M – Emerson Treacy
    T – Helena Phillips Evans (I think)
    W – Sidney Fox
    Th – Ralph Ince


  19. Mary Mallory says:

    Aline McMahon and Warren William today.


  20. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Aline MacMahon, Warren Willam.


  21. Don Danard says:

    Friday’s Mystery couple – Aline MacMahon and Basil Rathbone.


  22. MIKE HAWKS says:

    Didn’t I send in Ralph Ince yesterday? Today is Aline MacMahon & Warren “cuddles” William.


  23. Anne Papineau says:

    Aline and Warren looking a mite peaked


  24. Benito says:

    Aline MacMahon and Basil Rathbone in KIND LADY 1935. Saw this on TCM


  25. LC says:

    The Mouthpiece 1932 w/Warren William, Aline MacMahon, Sidney Fox…


  26. Pingback: Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +) |

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