Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

'The Beast of the City'
This week’s mystery movie has been the 1932 MGM film “The Beast of the City,” with Walter Huston, Jean Harlow, Wallace Ford, Jean Hersholt, Dorothy Peterson, Tully Marshall, John Miljan, Emmett Corrigan, Warner Richmond, Sandy Roth and J. Carroll Naish, and directed by Charles Brabin. It was a Cosmopolitan production, from a story by W.R. Burnett, with photography by Norbert Brodine.

I hadn’t planned to do another pre-code so soon, but this was too good to pass up.

“The Beast of the City” is available from Warner Archive for $17.99.

March 6, 2017, Mystery Photo
For Monday, we have an elegant gent who is getting unpleasant news from a mystery companion.

Update: This is Hector V. Sarno, left, and an unidentified actor.

March 7, 2017, Mystery Photo

A bonus mystery guest makes a traditional gesture of respect.

Update: I included this image as a hint that we’re dealing with a pre-code movie. Mary Mallory identifies our chap as George Magrill. Thanks, Mary!

March 7, 2017, Mystery Photo

For Tuesday, we have a mystery guest and a mystery companion.

Update: This is Sandy Roth, left, and Warner Richmond.

Brain Trust roll call: Sarah (half-credit. He’s in the movie, but in a different role).

March 8, 2017, Mystery Photo

For Wednesday, we have a mystery guest with wide lapels.  He is ogling our leading lady, who will appear Friday.

Update: This is Wallace Ford.

Brain Trust roll call: Mike Hawks (mystery movie, Monday’s mystery guest No. 1, Tuesday’s mystery guest No. 2).


Thursday’s mystery guest does not approve of such goings-on.

Update: This is Jean Hersholt.

Brain Trust roll call: Anne Papineau (Wednesday’s mystery gent), Mary Mallory (mystery movie and mystery guests), Howard Mandelbaum (mystery movie and mystery guests), Mike Hawks (Wednesday’s mystery guest), Don Danard (Wednesday’s mystery guest), Dewey Webb (mystery movie, Wednesday’s mystery gent), B.J. Merholz (Wednesday’s mystery gent), Jenny M. (Wednesday’s mystery gent), David Inman (Wednesday’s mystery gent), Jdarkling (Wednesday’s mystery gent), Lee Ann, Megan and Thom (mystery movie and mystery guests), Bob Hansen (Wednesday’s mystery gent), L.C. (mystery movie and cast) and Sheila (mystery movie and Wednesday’s mystery guest).

March 10, 2017, Mystery Photo

And for Friday….

Update: This is Jean Harlow. Because Jean Harlow.


Bonus photo: Walter Huston.

Brain Trust roll call: Mike Hawks (Thursday’s mystery guest), Mary Mallory (Thursday’s mystery guest), Howard Mandelbaum (Thursday’s mystery guest), David Inman (mystery movie, Thursday’s mystery guest) and Bob Hansen (Thursday’s mystery guest).

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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40 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

  1. Mysterious companion looks like an unfunny Maurice Gosfield.


  2. Sarah says:

    I’ll guess that today’s mystery gent on the right is Edward Brophy.


  3. mary mallory says:

    Maurice Black on the right.


  4. Mike Hawks says:

    Hector Sarno on the left for monday and Warner Richmond at right for today make this BEAST OF THE CITY.


  5. Chrisbo says:

    The bonus mystery guest looks like a young-ish William Bendix.


  6. Anne Papineau says:

    Paul Kelly in the light fedora?


  7. Benito says:

    John Turturro!


  8. Anne Papineau says:

    Wallace Ford on Wednesday


  9. Mary Mallory says:

    BEAST OF THE CITY. Hector Sarno on the left Monday, George Magrill giving our sign on Tuesday and Wallace Ford today.


  10. Today: Wallace Ford in “Beast of the City.”
    Monday: Hector V. Sarno (eyebrows)
    Tuesday: Warner Richmond (jawline/hat)


  11. Mike Hawks says:

    I know who Wallace Ford is looking at.


  12. Don Danard says:

    Wallace Ford is the Wednesday Mystery Man. But I don’t think I’ve ever seen him that young!!!


  13. Dewey webb says:

    Wallace Ford


  14. Jenny M says:

    Wallace Ford


  15. Dewey webb says:

    Beast Of The City


  16. David Inman says:

    Wallace Ford today.


  17. sockgarters says:

    Wednesday’s child is full of woe… and looks like a very young Wallace Ford.


  18. Lee Ann, Megan, and Thom says:

    Wallace Ford today in The Beast of the City, with some of the cast: Hector V. Sarno for the mystery waiter and George Magrill as the disrespectful gentleman on Monday, and Warner Richmond for the gentleman on the right for Tuesday.


  19. Bob Hansen says:

    Wednesday’s guy is Wallace Ford.


  20. LC says:

    The Beast of the City (1932) w/Jean Hersholt, Wallace Ford, Walter Huston, Jean Harlow, John Miljan…


  21. Sheila says:

    Wallace Ford, ‘The Beast of the City’.


  22. Mike Hawks says:

    Jean Hersholt is going bonkers.


  23. mary mallory says:

    Jean Hersholt today.


  24. David Inman says:

    Today is Jean Hersholt, and that makes this “The Beast of the City.”


  25. Bob Hansen says:

    Jean Hersholt on Thursday!


  26. Mary Mallory says:

    And of course Jean Harlow today. But where’s Walter Huston?


  27. B.J.Merholz says:

    Jean Hersholt on Thursday and Jean Harlow on Friday and Beast of the City every day.


  28. Mike Hawks says:

    Jean Harlow looking great.


  29. Don Danard says:

    The Monday Mystery Man – the one with his thumb in his mouth – looks like George DeNorand


  30. Don Danard says:

    Oops. That should be DeNormand.


  31. mandymarie20 says:

    Friday is Jean Harlowe


  32. Howard Decker says:

    I say it’s “the Beast of the City” and it’s obvious you are not Italian.


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