Black Dahlia: Why Dr. George Hodel Didn’t Kill Jeanne French

Jan. 4, 2017, Jeanne French

LA. Weekly has taken a deep dive into the Jeanne French case. I won’t get into all of it here, except to show why Dr. George Hodel didn’t kill Jeanne French.

Here’s a partial print of the killer’s shoe from the Jeanne French crime scene. Investigators determined that it came from a man’s Size 6 or Size 7 shoe while Dr. Hodel had, according to relatives, “very large feet.”

And if the shoe doesn’t fit, you must acquit.


The heel print of Jeanne French’s killer, courtesy of the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office. 

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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6 Responses to Black Dahlia: Why Dr. George Hodel Didn’t Kill Jeanne French

  1. James Scott says:

    Where can I read the entire L A Weekly story?


  2. mandymarie20 says:

    And here I thought Hodel’s father was responsible for all the famous murders in California. Who knew? (sarcasm)


  3. James Scott says:

    When I first read Steve Hodel’s book I thought there was a chance He might have solved the Black Dahlia case. Where he totally loses credibility is when he accuses his father of every crime in North America including the Chicago murders ( when George Hodel never even visited Chicago!), the Zodiac killings and every murder committed within a hundred mile radius of L.A.!


  4. Randy Silva says:

    I still cringe thinking of Ellroy getting caught up in the Hodel hype, writing the introduction to the first Avenger book.


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