Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

This week’s mystery movie has been the 1933 RKO picture “Christopher Strong,” Katharine Hepburn’s second film and her first in a leading role. It starred Colin Clive and Billie Burke (also in Hepburn’s film debut, “Bill of Divorcement”), with a screenplay by Zoe Akins from a novel by Gilbert Frankau. The photography was by Bert Glennon, settings by Van Nest Polglase and Charles Kirk, music by Max Steiner and transitions by Slavko Vorkapich.

I picked “Christopher Strong” to feature the director, Dorothy Arzner, often described as the only woman director of Hollywood’s golden age.

Ann Harding was originally cast as Lady Cynthia Darrington (New York Times Nov. 20, 1932), the role that eventually went to Hepburn. According to the New York Times (Dec. 11, 1932), “Miss Harding felt that she was miscast in her part and the studio felt that a better part should be given its newest star than was possible in ‘Three Came Unarmed,” which, they believed would be merely ‘another motion picture.’ So Miss Hepburn was switched to Miss Harding’s story… and negotiations were started for ‘Virgie Winters’ (‘The Life of Vergie Winters’) for Miss Harding, Gregory La Cava to direct.”

Philip K. Scheuer of the Los Angeles Times wrote of Hepburn (May 15, 1933): “A slim, gaunt-featured nymph, this actress, with her sharp, pleasantly unpleasant voice and a penchant for the bizarre in outfits. True star material, she dominates each scene in which she figures.”

…. “Dorothy Arzner directed understandingly — a qualification which women will be quick to note and appreciate — from the script by Zoe Akins.”

Mordaunt Hall of the New York Times said (March 19, 1933): “Magnificently produced, with a splendid cast headed by the talented Katharine Hepburn and the efficient Colin Clive, the film transcription of Gilbert Frankau’s novel ‘Christopher Strong,’ which was at the Radio City Music Hall last week, is another gratifying example of the forward strides made in motion pictures since the linking of the microphone with the camera.”

Hall said: “It is a film that can be seen several times without becoming tedious, for Miss Hepburn and other performers are enormously interesting in their respective roles.”

“Christopher Strong” is available on DVD from Warner Archive for $12.50.

Dec. 21, 2015, Mystery Photo


I had another image ready from this week’s mystery movie – when I discovered that it turned up on Google’s image search. Oh dear.

Update: This is Helen Chandler.

So instead, here is a mystery woman (minus mystery Back of the Head Guy, whom I cropped out).

Dec. 22, 2015, Mystery Photo

And for Tuesday, we have this mystery woman with a natty mystery companion.

Update: This is Irene Browne

Brain Trust roll call: Mark Alan Vieira (mystery movie and mystery woman), Mike Hawks (mystery woman), Megan, Lee Ann, and Thom (mystery woman), Bob Hansen (mystery movie and mystery woman) and Amy Condit (mystery woman).

And for Wednesday, Monday’s mystery woman has a mystery companion.

Update: This is Helen Chandler and Ralph Forbes.

Brain Trust roll call: Howard Mandelbaum (mystery movie and mystery guests), A.K. Witt (Monday’s mystery woman), Sheila (mystery movie and mystery women) and Anne Papineau (Monday’s mystery woman).


And for Thursday, we have a  mystery woman with Monday’s mystery guest woman as Back of the Head Gal.

Update: This is Helen Chandler and Billie Burke.

Brain Trust roll call: Howard Mandelbaum (Wednesday’s mystery man), Mary Mallory (mystery movie and mystery guests), Patrick (Monday’s mystery woman), Jenny M. (Wednesday’s mystery gent), Mike Hawks (mystery movie and guests), Lee Ann, Thom and Megan (mystery movie and guests) and Floyd Thursby (Wednesday’s mystery gent).

Dec. 25, 2015, Mystery Photo

And for Friday…..

Updated update: This is Miki Morita.

You were expecting, maybe…..

Dec. 25, 2015, Mystery Photo

Dec. 25, 2015, Mystery Photo
Isn’t this outfit amazing?

Update: Hepburn in the famous moth costume. The film has no credit for costume design, but IMDB lists Howard Greer and Walter Plunkett.

Brain Trust roll call: Mary Mallory (Thursday’s mystery woman), Howard Mandelbaum (Thursday’s mystery woman), David Inman (mystery movie and mystery cast),  Mike Hawks (Thursday’s mystery woman), Anne Papineau (mystery movie and Wednesday’s and Thursday’s mystery guests), Sarah (Thursday’s mystery woman) and Gary Martin (Thursday’s mystery woman).

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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44 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

  1. Helen Chandler in Christopher Strong (RKO 1933)


  2. Patrice Roe says:

    Not sure who she is, but congratulations on your first post-buyout mystery star!!


  3. Mike Hawks says:

    Helen Chandler.


  4. Megan, Lee Ann, and Thom says:

    Helen Chandler


  5. Sheila says:

    Nan Grey?


  6. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Helen Vinson in “Jewel Robbery.” I hope to redeem myself for last week’s embarrassment.


  7. Bob Hansen says:

    It’s Helen Chandler on Monday, and the movie might be “Christopher Strong” starring Kate Hepburn from 1933.


  8. amy condit says:

    Is it Helen Chandler


  9. Pat in Michigan says:

    It is a stretch, and a Monday, but…Tallulah Bankhead?


  10. pat says:

    Sylvia Sidney?


  11. Gary Martin says:

    Cornelia Otis Skinner ..or in the style of.


  12. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Monday: Helen Chandler in “Christopher Strong.”
    Tuesday: Paul Ralli and Irene Browne.


  13. Gary Martin says:

    Is it possible that this is Helen MacKellar and Virginia Brissac in Two Against the World?


  14. Patrick says:

    I think Tuesday’s natty mystery man might be Peter Lind Hayes.


  15. A.K. Witt says:

    helen chandler?


  16. Sheila says:

    Helen Chandler and Irene Browne in ‘Christopher Strong’.


  17. Anne Papineau says:

    Monday’s gal is somewhat in the style of Helen Chandler.


  18. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Ralph Forbes.


  19. Patrick says:

    On Wednesday, Monday’s mystery woman looks like Helen Chandler.


  20. Jenny M says:

    Ralph Forbes


  21. Mike Hawks says:

    Irene Browne for tuesday and Ralph Forbes for today make this CHRISTOPHER STRONG 1933.


  22. Lee Ann, Thom and Megan says:

    Christopher Strong, with Ralph Forbes fro Wednesday and Irene Browne for Tuesday (it was hard to pin her down when I was used to seeing her 30 years older).


  23. Floyd Thursby says:

    Ralph Forbes for Wednesday.


  24. DeweyWebb says:

    Constance cummings


  25. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Billie Burke in a dramatic role.


  26. David Inman says:

    Monday and part of Wednesday — Helen Chandler, and Billie Burke on Thursday, making this “Christopher Strong.”


  27. Mike Hawks says:

    Enter Billie Burke.


  28. Anne Papineau says:

    Am guessing Wednesday is Ralph Forbes and Thursday is Glinda I mean Billie Burke. Christopher Strong???


  29. Sarah says:

    Thursday’s mystery lady is Billie Burke. Merry Christmas and looking forward to another year of the Daily Mirror!


  30. Gary Martin says:

    I should hope I recognize Billie Burke when I see her.


  31. Mike Hawks says:

    Kate Hepburn is dressed up and ready to party.


  32. Dan Nather says:

    Okay, I’m dumb. I recognized Billie Burke on Thursday, but that’s as far as I got till today when I saw Katharine Hepburn in her moth costume from CHRISTOPHER STRONG. Helen Chandler on Monday, possibly Irene Browne on Tuesday, Ralph Forbes on Thursday, but I’m all out of guesses after that . . .


  33. E. Yarber says:

    You gave even the more facial-recognition-challenged of us a definite Xmas gift with those indelible images of Katharine Hepburn running off at the moth in Christopher Strong.


  34. Lee Ann, Megan and Thom says:

    Happiest of holidays to all from the Bailey family!


  35. Barbara Klein says:

    Friday’s gentleman is Miki Morita.


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