Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

April 18, 2015, Mystery Photo
This week’s mystery movie has been the 1924 First National Picture “Her Night of Romance,” starring Constance Talmadge (Wednesday’s mystery woman) and Ronald Colman (Friday’s mystery chap). It was directed by Sidney A. Franklin from a story by Hans Kraly. The photography was by Ray Binger and Victor Milner and art direction by William Cameron Menzies and Park French. The movie also featured Albert Gran (Monday’s mystery gent), Jean Hersholt (Thursday’s mystery gent) and James O. Barrows (Tuesday’s mystery guest).

I felt it was time to have a silent mystery movie as I don’t do them very often.  “Her Night of Romance” was restored by the Library of Congress and has a mediocre (at best) piano score by Bruce Loeb. It is available from Kino packaged with “Her Sister From Paris.”

Curiously enough, imdb doesn’t give Menzies credit for this picture. The overlords of imdb don’t seem to care for my fixes, so I will let someone else pursue the issue.

You can also watch it here without a score.


April 13, 2015, Mystery Photo

For Monday, we have this mystery chap.

Update: This is Albert Gran.

April 14, 2015, Mystery Photo

And for Tuesday, we have this helpful chap.

Update: This is James O. Barrows.

Berton Churchill
Berton Churchill, above, was a leading contender for Monday’s mystery chap, but alas, no.

George Barbier
George Barbier, above, was another contender. But, alas, I’m afraid not.

April 15, 2015, mystery photo

And for Wednesday, we meet the mysterious daughter of Monday’s mystery fellow.

Update: This is Constance Talmadge.

Please congratulate Mary Mallory and Mike Hawks for identifying Monday’s mystery guest.

April 16, 2015, Mystery Photo

Thursday’s mystery guest is not all that mysterious.

Update: This is Jean Hersholt. The woman who plays Hersholt’s secretary (with her back to the camera) is unidentified.

Please congratulate Barbara Klein (mystery movie and guests), Mike Hawks (Wednesday’s mystery guest/wrong movie), Dan Nather (mystery movie and Monday’s and Wednesday’s mystery guests) and Mary Mallory (mystery movie and  Wednesday’s mystery guest).

April 17, 2015, Mystery Photo

And for Friday we have our entirely non-mysterious leading man.

Update: This is Ronald Colman and Constance Talmadge.

Please congratulate Mary Mallory (mystery butler, Thursday’s mystery fellow), Jenny M (Thursday’s mystery fellow), Anne Papineau (Thursday’s mystery fellow), Mike Hawks (mystery movie and Thursday’s mystery guest), Barbara Klein (Thursday’s mystery gent), Julie Merholz (mystery movie and mystery guests), Dan Nather (Tuesday’s and Thursday’s mystery guests) and Bob Hansen (Wednesday’s mystery woman).

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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52 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

  1. Tim Doherty says:

    George Barbier?


  2. Floyd Thursby says:

    Looks like Berton Churchill to me.


  3. dlhartzog says:

    Berton Churchill.


  4. stanhope1929 says:

    Is this George Barbier?


  5. MIKE HAWKS says:

    Berton Churchill.


  6. Dan says:

    Looks like Berton Churchill


  7. Howard Mandelbaum says:

    Berton Churchill


  8. Rick Scott says:

    Looks like Berton Churchill.


  9. thomasbondii says:

    Berton Churchill?


  10. Don Danard says:

    Well, I’ll hazard a guess. Berton Churchill.


  11. Bob Hansen says:

    I can’t remember the actor’s name, but isn’t this Marion Davies’s father from Show People?


  12. MIKE HAWKS says:

    O.K. It must be Albert Gran for monday.


  13. Anne Papineau says:

    Ferdinand Munier?


  14. Dan Nather says:

    Well, there go my first two guesses for Monday’s mystery fellow. Just to make things interesting, I’m going to guess Grant Mitchell. Have no idea about Tuesday’s gent.


  15. McDee says:

    Monday’s mystery man looks a lot like Thomas Edison to me.


  16. Barbara Klein says:

    “Her Night of Romance”

    Monday – Albert Gran
    Tuesday – James Barrows
    Wednesday – Constance Talmadge


  17. MIKE HAWKS says:

    Albert is joined by Constance Talmadge today for BREAKFAST AT SUNRISE.


  18. Floyd Thursby says:

    How about Claude King, Tom Ricketts, and Sally Blane in “Stolen Sweets”?


  19. Dan Nather says:

    I think that’s Constance Talmadge in today’s photo, and the movie is HER NIGHT OF ROMANCE. Which means Monday’s gent is Albert Gran.


  20. Mary Mallory says:

    HER NIGHT OF ROMANCE and Constance Talmadge today.


  21. Mary Mallory says:

    Jean Hersholt today.


  22. JennyM says:

    Jean Hersholt


  23. Anne Papineau says:

    Jean Hersholt?


  24. Mary Mallory says:

    James O. Barrows is the old butler.


  25. MIKE HAWKS says:

    Oops! Jean Hersholt in HER NIGHT OF ROMANCE.


  26. Barbara Klein says:

    Thursday – Jean Hersholt

    Back of the head gal could be Clara Bracy


  27. juliemerholz says:

    Jean Hersholt


  28. Dan Nather says:

    Another “Oh Him” for Thursday — the ubiquitous Jean Hersholt. And, just to catch up, I think that’s James Burrows in Tuesday’s photo.


  29. juliemerholz says:

    Her Night Of Romance 1924 with Albert Gran, James O. Barrows, Constance Talmadge, and Ronald Colman.


  30. Bob Hansen says:

    Wednesday’s woman could be Constance Talmadge.


  31. Mary Mallory says:

    Ronnie and Constance today.


  32. Gary Martin says:

    We have Jean Hersholt and Ronald Coleman in either Stella Dallas or Her Romance something or other. Sorry I can’t make out the others to be more specific.


  33. JennyM says:

    Ronald Colman


  34. Barbara Klein says:

    Friday – Ronald Colman


  35. Anne Papineau says:

    Could it be “Her Night of Romance” with Ronnie and Connie?


  36. MIKE HAWKS says:

    Mr. Ronald Colman seems deep in thought.


  37. beachgal says:

    Thurs is Jean Hersholt. Friday is Don Ameche.


  38. Dan Nather says:

    Ronald Colman today — one of my favorites, in silents or talkies.


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