Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

April 4, 2015, Mystery Photo
This week’s mystery movie has been “Always a Bride,” a 1940 Warner Bros. movie. I picked it because I had never seen George Reeves as a leading man.

And notice that Rosemary Lane (Thursday’s mystery woman) gets top billing.

March 30, 2015, Mystery Photo

And for Monday we have a man with a cigar.

This is Ferris Taylor.

March 31, 2015, Mystery Photo

And for Tuesday, we have this “vested interest.”

And this is Joe King.

April 1, 2015, Mystery Photo

Oh Him is Wednesday’s mystery guest.

This is John Eldredge.

Please congratulate Don Danard for identifying Tuesday’s mystery guest.


Thursday’s mystery woman is on the phone with our leading man.

This is Rosemary Lane.

Please congratulate Mary Mallory (Wednesday’s mystery gent), Gary Martin (half credit on Wednesday’s mystery gent), Don Danard (Wednesday’s mystery gent) Mike Hawks (Wednesday’s mystery gent) and Floyd Thursby (Wednesday’s mystery gent).

April 3, 2015, Mystery Photo

And for Friday.

And our tragic Man of Steel, George Reeves. Gary Martin, one of the brain trust, shared his memories of Reeves after “Superman”

Please congratulate Mary Mallory (mystery movie, mystery guests), Mike Hawks (mystery movie, mystery guests), Jenny M (Thursday’s mystery woman) and Bob Hansen (Thursday’s mystery woman).

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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39 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

  1. CassellCan says:

    Looks like a “young” Charles Coburn. Maybe it’s just the cigar.


  2. MIKE HAWKS says:

    Howard St. John


  3. Don Danard says:

    It’s Joe or Joseph King, a regular at Warner Brothers in the ’30’s and Ronald Reagans boss in the “Brass” Bancroft series in the late 30’s


  4. LC says:

    Is #1 Emory Parnell?


  5. Mary Mallory says:

    John Eldredge today.


  6. Gary Martin says:

    Wednesday: George Eldredge?


  7. Don Danard says:

    Today, it’s John Eldridge.


  8. Anne Papineau says:

    I really like the table lamps, and the haberdashery (sp?)


  9. MIKE HAWKS says:

    John Eldredge.


  10. Floyd Thursby says:

    Wednesday is John Eldredge unless you are pulling an April Fool and it’s his brother George.


  11. Mary Mallory says:

    Rosemary Lane today. ALWAYS A BRIDE. Ferris Taylor Monday and Oscar O’Shea Tuesday.


  12. MIKE HAWKS says:

    In order as they appear: Ferris Taylor, Joe King, John Eldredge and Rosemary Lane in ALWAYS A BRIDE 1940.


  13. Jenny M says:

    Rosemary Lane


  14. E. Yarber says:

    Looks like Tom Conway on Wednesday. Saw him in “The Atomic Submarine” last week, but this is definitely a different film even if it is him.


  15. Bob Hansen says:

    Is Thursday ‘s woman Rosemary Lane?


  16. Anne Papineau says:

    Thursday’s lamp … Another winner!


  17. Dan Nather says:

    Gosh, nothing’s registering this week. That might be Ian Hunter on Tuesday, definitely Jerome Cowan on Wednesday, but I can’t put anything else together . . .


  18. Mary Mallory says:

    George Reeves today.


  19. Jenny M says:

    George Reeves in Always a Bride.


  20. juliemerholz says:

    Always A Bride


  21. Anne Papineau says:

    George Reeves and a long drink of water?


  22. Benito says:

    Friday is George Reeves, “speechifyin'”. I think his girl is Rosemary Lane, so the movie would be ALWAYS A BRIDE.


  23. MIKE HAWKS says:

    It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s George Reeves.


  24. Gary Martin says:

    George Reeves.


  25. beachgal says:

    Friday’s mystery actor is George Reeves


  26. beachgal says:

    Wen’s mystery actor is John Eldredge. Thurs’s actress is Rosemary Lane. I think Monday’s actor might be Ferris Taylor.


  27. beachgal says:

    I think the film might be Always A Bride


  28. Don Danard says:

    Sure looks like a young George Reeves today.


  29. Bob Hansen says:

    Friday’s guy is definitely George Reeves!


  30. Don Danard says:

    Larry, you should track down a “Jungle Jim” film with Johnny Weissmuller in which Reeves is the main heavy. A bit of a switch for him. But good ol’ Jim takes care of him !! The film is called, simply, “Jungle Jim”.


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