Documentary: Glen Creason and the ‘Map House’

March 9, 2015, Glen Creason

Alec Ernest has made a short documentary for the Los Angeles Review of Books about our friend Glen Creason, the map specialist at the Los Angeles Public Library, and the incredible “map house” of John Feathers.

I played a very small role in the “map house” story because I had written a column about Glen for The Times, which was seen by the real estate agent who was selling the “map house” and thought Glen might be interested in the maps. At that point, I’m happy to say, the story took on a life of its own.

My column on Glen | Bob Pool’s story on the “map house.”


About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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2 Responses to Documentary: Glen Creason and the ‘Map House’

  1. Glen Creason says:

    Actually, Larry you are too humble. Whenever I tell this story I always begin with your column which was the first star aligned to make this miracle happen. If Matthew Greenberg did not open the Times that morning and see your words…all that beautiful history would be in a landfill right now.


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