Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

Fast Company
This week’s mystery movie is “Fast Company,” a 1938 MGM film written by Marco Page (Harry Kurnitz) and Harold Tarshis from a book by Page, directed by Edward Buzzell and photographed by Clyde Devinna.

Oct. 4, 2014, Mystery Photo
And it has one of my favorite Prof. Moriartys.

Sept. 29, 2014, Mystery Photo

And for Monday, we have a mystery woman.

Sept. 30, 2014, Mystery Photo

And for Tuesday, a mystery gent.

Oct. 1, 2014, Mystery Photo

And for Wednesday, a couple of semi-familiar mystery gentlemen.

Please congratulate Mary Mallory (mystery movie and mystery guests via email) Patrick (Tuesday’s mystery gent),  Jenny M (Tuesday’s mystery gent), Benito (Tuesday’s mystery gent/wrong movie — although we are big fans of that film), Anne Papineau (Tuesday’s mystery gent), Lee Ann, Megan and Thom, who admire our mystery gent’s hairstyle, Herb Nichols (Tuesday’s mystery gent), Gary Martin (mystery movie and Tuesday’s mystery gent), dlhartzog (Tuesday’s mystery gent), Don Danard (Tuesday’s mystery gent), Barbara Klein (Tuesday’s mystery gent/wrong movie), Rick Scott (Tuesday’s mystery gent), Sarah (Tuesday’s mystery gent), LC (Tuesday’s mystery gent) and Valley Dave (Tuesday’s mystery gent)

Gary Martin says: for Tuesday, XXXXX, with whom i once had the pleasure of working on an After School special (along with Theresa Wright.). He also did tons of theatre in NYC in my day.

Oct. 2, 2014, Mystery Photo

And for Thursday,  a mystery woman, who is giving an olive rather a bad time.

Please congratulate Mary Mallory (Wednesday’s mystery baddies), Patrick (mystery movie and guests), Lee Ann, Megan and Thom (mystery movies and baddies),  Gary Martin (Wednesday’s mystery baddies), Benito (mystery movie and mystery baddies), Pamela Brinson Porter (Tuesdays mystery gent/wrong movie), Don Danard (Wednesday’s mystery baddies), dlhartzog (one of Wednesday’s baddies), Rick Scott (Wednesday’s mystery baddies), LC (mystery movie and guests) and ValleyDave (mystery movie and guests).

LC notes that TCM just aired this for XXXXX’s day, which I overlooked. As you may recall, I try to impose at least a one-year embargo on movies that have been on TCM, but sometimes a movie slips through.

Oct. 3, 2014. Mystery Photo

And for Friday, two non-mystery gentlemen.

Please congratulate Patrick (Thursday’s mystery woman) and Julie Merholz (mystery movie and Tuesday’s mystery gent).

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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63 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo (Updated + + + +)

  1. Anthony says:

    Suggestion: After a reasonable amount of time, you determine when that is. How about letting your readers know the Identity of the mystery folks. I will never get this one. But I always want to know/learn who they are. Your thoughts?


    • lmharnisch says:

      When I moderate comments, I post the wrong answers immediately, then post the comments with correct answers on Saturday.


      • beachgal says:

        I know you use that system, but it takes a long time to get to the solutions and I tend to think other than some die-hearts, you loose readers who forget to come back through all their blogs and look on Sat when you have the reveal. Just saying, it might be able to have a tad bit of tweaking to the ‘system.’


    • Riley says:

      I agree. I have given up following your mystery folks, as I never see their identity revealed, only the wrong guesses.


      • Mary Mallory says:

        He can’t reveal the names, or that defeats the whole purpose, since it’s easy enough to look up and figure out the movie. It’s not supposed to be spoonfed to us.


  2. Jo Anne says:

    Betty Furness?


  3. Dan Nather says:

    Susan Peters?


  4. Patrick says:

    Tuesday’s mystery gent is Shepperd Strudwick.


  5. Jenny M says:

    Shepperd Strudwick


  6. Benito says:

    sorry. Tuesday’s gent is Shepperd Strudwick. If Monday’s baby is Rita Johnson, then the movie is CONGO MAISIE with Ann Sothern.


  7. a says:

    Shepperd Strudwick?


  8. Anne Papineau says:

    My name is Anne, not a, regarding that Shepperd Strudwick guess


  9. Lee Ann, Megan and Thom says:

    Tuesday’s fella is Shepperd Strudwick. How ’bout that fetching marcel?


  10. juliemerholz says:

    Richard Greene


  11. Gary Martin says:

    For Monday, Mary Howard, and for Tuesday, Shepperd Strudwick, with whom i once had the pleasure of working on an After School special (along with Theresa Wright.). He also did tons of theatre in NYC in my day. Let me guess that this is Fast Company, 1938.


  12. dlhartzog says:

    Tuesday, Sheppard Strudwick


  13. Don Danard says:

    Perhaps known best as Shepherd Strudwick.


  14. beachgal says:

    Tuesday’s gentleman looks a lot like Joseph Cotton


  15. Barbara Klein says:

    Tuesday – Sheppard Strudwick

    I’ll take a guess that the movie is “The Eddy Duchin Story.”


  16. Rick Scott says:

    Tuesday is Sheppard Strutwick (aka John Shepard)


  17. Dan Nather says:

    Wild guess: Sidney Fox?


  18. Dan Nather says:

    Another wild guess for Tuesday: Hardie Albright?


  19. Sarah says:

    Tuesday’s gent is Shepperd Strudwick.


  20. LC says:

    Today’s gentleman is Shepperd Strudwick. And FYI I like your “system”.


  21. ValleyDave says:

    For Tuesday, how about Sheppherd Strudwick ?


  22. dlhartzog says:

    The movie, The Loves of Edgar Allen Poe, perhaps.


  23. Mary Mallory says:

    Fast Company? Mary Howard Monday?


  24. Mary Mallory says:

    Louis Calhern today. I thought I was second getting the mystery man, not last.


  25. Mary Mallory says:

    Dwight Frye on left.


  26. Patrick says:

    If you put Wednesday’s Louis Calhern with Tuesday’s Shepperd Strudwick you might get “The Red Pony” but when you add Dwight Frye you get “Fast Company” from 1938.


  27. Lee Ann, Megan and Thom says:

    Wednesday’s Friendly Boy’s Club subcommittee for enforcement of neck tie rules includes Louis Calhern and Dwight Frye. So the movie must be “Fast Company”.


  28. Gary Martin says:

    Dwight Frye and Louis Calhern.


  29. Benito says:

    The elegant schnozz of Louis Calhern leads us to FAST COMPANY [1938].


  30. Sheppard Strudwick, Anabel Shaw, Emory Parnell and Frank Wilcox in “Strange Triangle”


  31. Don Danard says:

    Today’s gentlemen are Dwight Frye and Louis Calhern. Up to no good, I’d say!!


  32. dlhartzog says:

    Wednesday, Louis Calhern and ?


  33. Rick Scott says:

    Holy Renfield! Dwight Frye and Louis Calhern.


  34. LC says:

    This is Fast Company (1938)w/Louis Calhern, Dwight Frye, Melvin Douglas, Claire Dodd, Mary Howard & Florence Rice. I can’t believe it, this just aired on TCM & I have it on my dvr to watch, just haven’t had the time.


  35. ValleyDave says:

    In addition to Sheppherd Strudwick, I’m guessing Monday’s gal is Florence Rice.
    Wednesday’s crooks are the wonderful Dwight Frye and Louie Calhern.
    The movie is “Fast Company. “


  36. Patrick says:

    Thursday = Claire Dodd


  37. dlhartzog says:

    Thursday, Rita Johnson, maybe.


  38. juliemerholz says:

    Fast Company


  39. juliemerholz says:

    Shepperd Strudwick


  40. Patrick says:

    Friday = Melvyn Douglas and Nat Pendleton


  41. mandymarie20 says:

    Friday’s duo I recognize, ? and Nat Pendleton


  42. mandymarie20 says:

    Thursday kind of looks like a Marlene Dietrich wannabe


  43. Don Danard says:

    Today, it’s Melvyn Douglas and Nat Pendleton.


  44. Mary Mallory says:

    Melvyn and Nat Pendleton today. You forgot to add the + sign.


  45. dlhartzog says:

    Friday, Nat Pendleton and ?


  46. dlhartzog says:

    Movie, Fast Company, late 1930s.


  47. Rick says:

    finally got it – Fast Company – Melvin Douglas and Nat Pendleton today


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