Ghost Bike — Pasadena

Ghost Bike

This is one of the “ghost bikes” that have cropped up around the Los Angeles area as memorials to bicyclists who have been killed.

Steve Lopez writes about ghost bikes.

Ghost Bike
This ghost bike is for Phillip O’Neill, who died after being hit by a car last year on Del Mar in Pasadena.

Ghost Bike
These are somber reminders to those of us who ride bikes and perhaps a warning to motorists as well.

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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4 Responses to Ghost Bike — Pasadena

  1. They have these in the Berkeley/Oakland/Emeryville area, too. The bicyclists around here seem to take them as only a rebuke to cars, though, since they regularly run stoplights, etc. But they are unsettling, even if you’ve been by the same one many times.


  2. Gretchen says:

    They’re haunting, poetic. All roadside memorials are eerie, but the ghost bikes are strangely beautiful.


  3. Susan gregory says:

    How can I donate a bike?


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