N.R.A. Frees Workers to Visit the Library

Aug. 28, 1933, Comics
Aug. 28, 1933, Library
August 1933: In my journey through years ending in “3,” I have neglected 1933, when the National Recovery Act took effect  Aug. 1. President Roosevelt’s plan was to put people back to work by raising the minimum wage to $12 to $15 a week and cutting the work week to 40 hours for white-collar jobs and 35 hours for industrial jobs, The Times said.

With their new leisure time, some Los Angeles residents headed to the … library!

Among the provisions: “Child labor is prohibited except for free hours between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. and a $1 differential is provided for 15 Southern States and the District of Columbia.”

L.A.’s sainted streetcar system: A driver sues the Los Angeles Railway Corp., charging that a negligent motorman ran a streetcar into his auto on West 10th Street near Irolo Street.

Opening tomorrow at Grauman’s Chinese: “Dinner at Eight.”

Follies Burlesque: 80 people — mostly girls

Aug. 1, 1933, N.R.A.
Aug. 28, 1933, Library
Aug. 28, 1933, Streetcars

July 25, 1933, N.R.A.

Aug. 1, 1933, N.R.A.

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
This entry was posted in 1933, Comics, Hollywood, Libraries, Streetcars, Transportation and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to N.R.A. Frees Workers to Visit the Library

  1. aryedirect says:

    A memory from 1963: The scent of freshly baked bread filled the early morning air of Culver City, then dozens of quaint, little bread trucks left the Helms Bakery and spread out on Los Angeles streets to deliver the freshest bread to homes all over the city.


  2. Benito says:

    1. Looking for the famous photo of starlets who put NRA logo stencils on their backs while they tanned so the logos appeared to be white on their skin.
    2. Forcing employers to shorten the work week so more people could work was a pretty good idea. We ought to try it now. Too bad the Supreme Court struck down the NRA later.


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