Coming Tonight: Live Blogging ‘-30-’

Photo: Jack Webb, William Conrad and James Bell in “-30-”

TCM is airing Jack Webb’s “-30-” at 7 tonight Pacific time. I’m going to try live blogging just to see how it goes. Tune in for the fun and/or mayhem.

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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8 Responses to Coming Tonight: Live Blogging ‘-30-’

  1. Two thirds of the actors in the newspaper pic came up as radio stars first. Jack and the Fat Man.


  2. JohnK says:

    Life blogging during the movie? At what point do I turn around, glare and whisper, “Please” ???


  3. They had it great in those days–no zoning 🙂


  4. dewey webb says:

    Boy! Did Jack get a wrong number! (“Honey, I adopted a kid!”)


  5. dewey webb says:

    Ronnie Dapo APB! Anyone know whatever happened to him? Should have won an Emmy for portrayal of the ornery little cuss Arnold Winkler on Andy Griffith Show.


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