Movieland Mystery Photo [Updated]

Jan. 25, 2012, Mystery Photo

Here’s a mystery photo from the incredible collection of Steven Bibb!

[Update: This is Sam Wanamaker in “My Girl Tisa.” The man on the left is unidentified in the caption information, but Don Danard and Mike Hawks identify him as Edgar Dearing. Wanamaker was identified by Roget-L.A., Arye Michael Bender, Jenny M. and Benito. Hawks, Danard and Pamela Porter identified Wanamaker and the movie. Congratulations!]

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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10 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo [Updated]

  1. Rogét-L.A. says:

    The man seated on the bunk appears to be a young Sam Wanamaker, possibly in the film Give Us This Day (1949)?


  2. Probably too early, but the prisoner certainly looks like that soon-to-be expat, Sam Wannamaker.


  3. Rogét-L.A. says:

    Sam Wanamaker in Concrete Jungle (1960) a.k.a. The Criminal?


  4. Jenny M says:

    The man on the right could be Sam Wanamaker.


  5. Mike Hawks says:

    The film is MY GIRL TISA 1948. Shown are Edgar Dearing and Sam Wanamaker.


  6. Pamela Porter says:

    Sam Wanamaker – My Girl Tisa


  7. Don Danard says:

    Edgar Dearing and Sam Wanamaker. Don’t know the name of the film.


  8. Benito says:

    The jailbird is a very young Sam Wanamaker. The movie is still a mystery.


  9. dewey webb says:

    John Archer


  10. Bartstar says:

    Paul Muni in “I am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang” (but I got caught and they sent me to the hoosegow)

    No, sorry, no idea about the actor or the film.


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