Movieland Mystery Photo [Updated +++]

June 24, 2011, Mystery Photo

June 9, 1934, Dorothy Dell

June 9, 1934, Dorothy Dell

Steven Bibb, a member of the Daily Mirror’s Brain Trust, has graciously shared some of his pictures as mystery photos. Thanks Steven!

[Update: This is Dorothy Dell in a 1934 photo from “Wharf Angel.” Please congratulate Eve Golden for identifying her!]

Dell was killed in a car wreck on Lincoln Avenue a few hundred feet past South Gate Street – an intersection I’m not able to locate – hours after a preview of her latest film, “Shoot the Works,” when the car driven by Dr. Carl Wagner struck a curb and rolled over, hitting several trees and shearing off a utility pole. Wagner was a witness in the Sphinx Murder of Pasadena. What was the Sphinx Murder? I’ll save that for another time.

[Update 2: The accident was at Lincoln Avenue and WESTgate Street in Pasadena, not South Gate. Nothing like moving a car accident to the other end of L.A.  The perils of the rewrite desk taking information by phone.]

1111 Lincoln Ave., Pasadena

Lincoln Avenue, Pasadena, via Google maps’ street view.

June 9, 1934, Dorothy Dell

June 9, 1934, Dorothy Dell

June 9, 1934, Dorothy Dell

About lmharnisch

I am retired from the Los Angeles Times
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13 Responses to Movieland Mystery Photo [Updated +++]

  1. Eve says:

    Is that the lovely Dorothy Dell?


  2. Mary Mallory says:

    Una Merkel.


  3. Lynne Levine says:

    Alice Faye


  4. Gary Martin says:

    Mmmm…Toby Wing.


    • Gary Martin says:

      If it’s not Toby Wing, Toby at least deserves a look see on You Tube “I’m Young and Healthy” ..42nd Street …and watch for Ginger Rogers and the above mentioned Una Merkle in the chorus line. One of the great thirties movie moments!!


  5. dewey webb says:

    Whoever it is, she looks like she had a nose job.


  6. Jenny M says:

    Dolores Costello


  7. margie says:

    I, too, think it is Alice Faye


  8. Rinky Dink says:

    I’m confused. Dr. Wagner died “without regaining consciousness” but he helped lift the car off Dell’s body?


    • lmharnisch says:

      @Rinky: D.A. Downs helped the ambulance driver and surgeon (from the ambulance) lift the car….


      • Rinky Dink says:

        Ooooh. Driver/surgeon connected to the ambulance, not driver/surgeon connected to the death car and headline. I’d hate to admit how long I spent trying to figure out how Wagner did that….


  9. benito says:

    Looks like Constance Bennett in profile. Now I want to see her act. Being a blonde starlet was dangerous. Marjorie White died after an auto accident in 1935, and then Jean Harlow, Thelma Todd…


  10. Vincent says:

    Dorothy Dell had been scheduled to play the female lead, opposite Gary Cooper, in a Paramount film that also starred Shirley Temple (who a year later, at the new 20th Century-Fox, would reach her prime as a worldwide star). The role instead went to Carole Lombard, in the film “Now and Forever.” Learn more about Dell, who also worked with Dorothy Lamour in her pre-stardom years, at


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